Together We Can Promote Healthy Aging
My HIV Clinic
Educating clinicians and public about supporting and managing HIV comorbidities and promoting healthy aging with HIV.
Bringing together clinically relevant, practical information and tools from across medical disciplines into one accessible “virtual learning clinic” for clinicians delivering HIV care and treatment – both in specialized and primary care settings.
HIV Management Today for Tomorrow
Together We Can
Healthy Aging with HIV
Customer Reviews
“Having a better way to live all thanks to MyHivClinic.org, wishing people across the world to become more educated.”

Treatment and research information
Dedicated to Help
Stay up-to-date with developments regarding the clinical management of HIV. For select HIV related cancers, some prefer alternative cancer treatments, in which case we refer to our preferred holistic alternative cancer treatment center, An Oasis of Healing in the US. Check out the DMSO benefits for more info.
Upcoming Research & Information
IYA Medical Imaging in Scottsdale, Arizona and their latest radiology services and clinical abilities.
Upcoming Podcasts
Experts in sports injury and medicine, Control PT in North Scottsdale expand on how powerful the human body is to recovery.