HIV is an acronym for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, a deadly organism that destroys the immune system and causes AIDS (Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome). HIV is often transferrable via blood exchanges like a blood transfusion or use of an infected syringe or needle. More commonly, the virus is transferred through sex. Another remote way of transfer is from an infected pregnant woman to her unborn baby or via the breastfeeding process.
After the immune system has been thoroughly weakened by HIV, AIDS is the next phase. The immune system now finds it hard to repel against certain sicknesses – like the gates of a flourishing kingdom lying unmanned and easily assessable by nearby enemy kingdoms.
Symptoms of HIV/AIDS
Once a person is affected by dental problems like fungal and candida, herpes wounds in the mouth or bleeding gums, there is a possibility that such person is already infected by AIDS because these are some telltale signs of the condition – although these aren’t necessarily caused by AIDS, they shouldn’t be ignored.
However, to be really sure about your HIV status, you need to carry out a special test for that from your healthcare provider.
It is useful to also note that if you’re HIV positive, it doesn’t mean you automatically have AIDS. There are certain symptoms for HIV that the sufferers do not exhibit for many years. However, these symptoms do not automatically mean one has HIV because some portion of the populace suffers them from time to time.
Here are some known symptoms of HIV.
- Considerable loss in weight
- Cough, especially dry cough
- Relapsing fever
- Heavy sweating at nights
- Fatigue
- Diarrhea especially one that lasts more than 7 days
- Blemishes or white spots in the mouth and tongue
- Pneumonia
- Colored blotches (pink, red, purple, brown) in the skin, nose, mouth, eyes
- Depression, memory loss and some other neurological issues
- Swollen lymph especially in the neck, or groin or armpit
What Are Some Ways I Can Prevent HIV?
If an infected person’s body fluid, blood, breast milk, vaginal fluid, or semen enters into a healthy person, the latter is bound to contract HIV.
To be safe from the virus, you need to desist from activities that will expose you to it. such activities include having unprotected sex, using infected syringes, breastfeeding a healthy baby by an infected mother, using infected hair clippers, kissing an infected person, etc.
You can always get full detail about ways of steering off HIV from your licensed health care professional.
Another way of contracting the virus is via blood transfusion. That is why the US enacted a law in 1985 that any and every drop of blood donated for transfusion is being thoroughly tested for the virus. One of the safest places for HIV-free blood is in the US.
Can HIV Be Spread At a Dentist’s Office?
Dentists make use of sharp utensils in handling dental issues and many fear that there might be a possibility of transfer of HIV from an infected patient to another. However, dentists worldwide have put in place measures to help curb unhealthy practices that may help spread the virus.
Some such measures include all dental health professionals wearing eye protection, facemasks, and hand gloves. The surgical equipment such as drills is being passed through specific sterilization processes in compliance with the CDC (Centre for Diseases and Control). Any equipment that cannot be sterilized is flung into a special bin.
A new patient means a new pair of gloves and properly washed hands before any process can be performed. Don’t worry if you’re feeling skeptical about it. You can talk to your dentist about the safety measures he/she has put in place to curb the spread of the virus. This would help eliminate any fear if you have any dental issues or trying to look into teeth whitening, and scared of the instruments being used.Dental groups like the LG Dental Group has enforced these measures since day 1, setting a good example for other dentists.
Treatment of HIV/AIDS
HIV/AIDS hasn’t gotten a cure yet. however, the rate at which the virus destroys the immune system can be greatly limited or slowed down. This means a sufferer can live out their lives to the full potential despite being infected with the virus. AIDS, which is the advent of small unperturbed illnesses can also be treated with special drugs that fight against these small ailments.
However, detecting the infection early can give your healthcare provider more treatment options and a better way of handling the disease, while giving you more time to live your life to the fullest.